Wednesday, December 7, 2016


Snowmen are my favorite!!  You can't look at a snowman and not smile!!
These snowmen were so fun and easy to make!   I just drew a snowman face and then photocopied them.  I added the little orange to the carrot and red to the checks by hand so I didn't have to pay for color copies.  For the hat you just hot glue or stitch a tube and then tie one end with yarn.  We tore the fabric into one inch strips for the scarves.  It would be really cute to use real buttons, but that wasn't in our budget ðŸ˜Š 
The snowmen looked so cute all together on the table and everyone loved taking a cute snowman home and eating the Pringle chips!!

We also had a Hershey bar made into a snowman for them to take home.  We made them just the same as the Pringles cans

We gave them water bottles with "MELTED SNOWMAN" water bottle labels on.  If you search "snowman water bottle labels" on Pinterest there are a lot of great printables for the water bottles.

You won't go wrong decorating with Snowmen!!

1 comment:

  1. Maravilhosa ideia e criatividade magnifica Amei Parabéns, Deus te abençoe por compartilhar conosco,te desejo muitas prosperidades na sua vida .Amém
